Monday, October 26, 2020


October 26, 2020


this week was literally so fun. i love trio life and i love my companions and boy do i love cheboygan. there isn’t anywhere i would rather be for my last transfer. we have some AMAZING friends here and i feel so blessed. God is too good.

• we taught our friend mathew!!!! holy. moley. he is seriously the most humble and teachable person. he has been through a lot in his life and wants so badly to have God as a part of it. he messaged us the other night saying that God answered his prayer to know if joseph smith was a prophet of God. he shared so amazing experiences as well that he had with God answering simple prayers and he sent us this image of the lake with the sun opening. he has such a powerful testimony and spirit and i cannot wait for november 21st so he can receive all of the blessings of the gospel through his baptism.

• we did our planning for the week at lake huron!! that is the first great lake i have seen on my mission! and only one haha. only took me 17 1/2 months lol. it was so beautiful though and we were recording a video of ourselves sharing a spiritual thought when a random guy pulled over and offered to take our picture haha. it was so funny and we about died.

lake huron

there is the pic of us at the lake taken by the random guy lol

• we met with this really sweet girl named alex this week too! she is our age and it was different to teach a peer, but she is so cute and really wants to feel closer to God. 

• our group leader got us three 10-oz steaks and we cooked them up and it was literally heaven. 

steaks! :)

• also. terrible news. it has snowed a few times this week. it hasn't stuck but let’s pray that is a ways away. 

"At times all of us must stand against those who mock and revile. Some of us, sometime, will face some earthly power as mighty as Goliath. When that happens, we should emulate the courage of David, who was mighty because he had faith and he went forth in a righteous cause in the name of the Lord of Hosts."

sista newey!!!!!

some pics from transfers last week

the beautiful red trees!!!
we also found a bridge and had a photoshoot

trio pics

love y’all and happy holidays

sister johnson

Sister Riana Johnson
135 North Benton Street
Cheyboygan, MI 49721

Monday, October 19, 2020



October 19, 2020



WILD WEEK. I feel super lazy so here is a weak email for a rollercoaster week hahaha

• we had an AMAZING lesson with Ozibo and I am gonna miss that guy! He is amazing and I cannot wait to see how he continues to progress and grow in the gospel. 

• we got transfer news and had a surprise transfer the next day instead of this coming week. I am in Cheboygan with Sister Nelson (my companion from last year) and her trainee, Sister Hansen. I. LOVE. THEM. It has been an actual party these past two days. And we are serving in a group (smaller than a branch or ward) and there are about 25 active members. They are the most amazing people I have ever met. We are also as far north as sisters have ever been in our mission. I feel so honored and blessed to be the fourth sister to ever serve here.

Our friend Alex at church!!

• we did lots of service and spent time with some sweet sisters in the zone. I am going to miss them!!



• we are teaching a guy named mathew and he is phenomenal. They put him on date this past week and we had our first real lesson the night I got here. God has had such a hand in his conversion and everything has been timed SO perfectly. I KNOOOOWWWW this is exactly where I need to be right now.

"If you're lost, He is your light. If you are cold, He is your blanket" -Sister Barrow from our group

The Owosso district before the band broke up
Sister Olson and I went and got our scriptures sprial bound for my 17 month mark

Fall 2020
The cutest welcome sign๐Ÿ˜ญ❤❤


-Sister Johnson

Sister Riana Johnson
135 North Benton Street
Cheyboygan, MI 49721

Monday, October 12, 2020

blazin champion

 October 12, 2020

• ozibo is a good good guy. we met with him this week and he is so ready for baptism! he is just the busiest guy so we might need to push his date, solely, because there isn't enough time to teach him everything.

• we had exchanges with the meridian sisters!! I seriously llovvvveeee them, and it was so fun. we get to see them pretty often with service a few times in the week and so we just had a blast together. bonus, sister ekins is an amazing missionary and I am just so impressed with her.


• we taught seminary one morning this week!! it was tons of fun but way early lol. 

• kevin is good! he came to church on sunday and feels very strongly that he needs to be more involved with the church. love that guy.

• we had a mission goal to extend thousands of invitations for people to come to church, meet with us, and read the book of mormon. we made several new friends while facebook finding and it was such a testimony to me that inspired goals bring great blessings.

• sister olson and I went to b-dubs this week and I did the blazin challenge. the challenge is to eat 12 wings covered in a sauce made from carolina reepers in 6 minutes without napkins, water, or sauce. it was surprisingly easy and I got it in 5 minutes haha.10/10 would do it again.

I will forever have this picture of my messy face in the lansing buffalo wild wings for completing the challenge lol

• we had sister kovach stay with us again! she is a really good missionary and I learned so much from her in our short time together! she will definitely be missed!! 

sister kovach this morning and when I cut her hair last night๐Ÿ˜œ

• we've been doing 10 hours of community service each week and I can't speak enough about how much I love it. we also had interviews this week! I lovvvvve president and sister heap

• sister olson and I painted some quotes from general conference and they turned out pretty cute. I'll prob post a video of me painting it this week if y’all want to check it out.

my painting๐Ÿ–Œ๐ŸŽจ

my favorite scripture right now is Revelation 21:4 - "And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away."

that's all I got for y’all
sister Johnson

Sister Riana Johnson
5240 Madison Ave Apt A11
Okemos, MI 48864-5115

Monday, October 5, 2020

insane week

 October 5, 2020


this week was kind of crazy but so so stinkin good!!! 

• we put ozibo on date!! he messaged us one night and said, "when is my baptism? I know that I am ready." we set a date with him the next day and were just working through commitment issues. he is sooooo solid but has the busiest life

celebrate with panera drinks!

• general conference!!! it was sooooo amazing. we got permission to watch it with some sisters in the zone for each session and it was seriously a party. i had a few things on my mind that i was looking for guidance on and each question was so clearly answered. God is so good and each message was SO inspired. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE go watch it if you haven't! 

conference fun with meridian and holt sisters

• we had exchanges for like two hours until we got a call from our mission president that we needed to have an emergency exchange with a different set of sisters. sister olson and i split up for a day or so while things were figured out. lots of fun and long drives:))

sisters olson, daniels and me
sister pulsipher

• today is sista newey's bday!! had to give a tribute to her bc she is the ultimate homie and i love that girl!! 

sista newey fun!

 • we did a ton of community service again this week and it is so good. good for them. good for us. just good for the soul. and we serve with other missionaries so we have fun while we do it!


okayyyy more about conference. it was just so. dang. good. i loved them all so much but there was some amazing words given about our Savior, Jesus Christ. i want to do all that i can to become like Him. His infinite sacrifice reaches beyond anything we could ever comprehend. we can know that we are absolutely never alone but that He knows. and because of that, we need to do ALL that we can to be a disciple of Him.  




see ya in the gulag
sister johnson

Sister Riana Johnson
5240 Madison Ave Apt A11
Okemos, MI 48864-5115