Monday, February 24, 2020

miracle town over here

February 24, 2020

Hey hey!!

We had a crazy cool week and saw the Lord's hand in everything we did. God is so good. We had some hard things this week, but there must needs be an opposition in all things! Also bonus it was Sister Jacobs' birthday Saturday so shout out to the loml up in Kalkaska :)

an oldie but gotta pay tribute to my fav happy 20th :)

• we finally met with our friend Chrissie who has had some really hard family and life challenges the past year. Sadly she needed time to overcome some obstacles in her life so we won't be teaching her anymore but the Lord is with her!

• we also dropped Robert this week. It is hard to see people receive the gospel and feel it's power but not act upon that. We know he needs time and space so we hope that will allow the spirit to help him.

• we were saved so luckily the other night! It was snowing pretty bad and we were on the highway going slower than posted. Little did we know, because of all the snow, there was a car going probably 10 mph in the snow and we couldn't slow down or get out of the way. We both thought we would make it into a ditch, but the Lord truly protected us. The car almost completely stopped before we would've hit anything, and I feel so blessed that nothing came of it.

• we also had a really cool miracle that happened the other night as we were walking up to our apartment at the end of the day. The Zone Leaders just had gotten off the phone with us reminding us to invite people to church, and we met Terrance! He said he was looking for a church home and told us he would be at church. Then on Sunday, he came and felt the spirit so strongly, it moved him to tears. He had to leave early because he felt like he, "didn't know who he was," but wanted to come again. He also really wanted to talk with our Bishop, and they had a really nice chat! He just kept saying how God is so good, and that we needed to meet.

• some super kind members brought us over today to make our own pens! They get olive tree wood from Bethlehem that we used to make them out of and it was tons of fun. They also have the CUTEST cat and I love her.

chrissy the cat and the pen making

• Sue got really hurt this week and needs surgery so we were able to go over a few times this past week to help out! That was a ton of fun too and I will love that woman till the day I die.

• Pat is still struggling with the idea of resurrection vs. reincarnation and so we are working hard to help her understand. 

• we had interviews with our mission president this week! I really have grown in love and respect for him the more I learn and get to know him. He truly is called of God and is guided by the Lord in all the work he does.

• we also got to teach Mayra and her family the Plan of Salvation. It was so powerful and the spirit was so strong. I love the peace it brings to my life and seeing others discover the peace it brings to them.

• yesterday got up to 52 which was so sweet, everyone was going crazy! So many people were out without jackets and it was such a blessing. 

On the more serious side, I found out yesterday that my cousin’s baby, Milo, had passed away. Only a few months after birth they discovered he had Leukemia and has been in treatments since. He was the cutest dang thing and was able to accomplish all that his Father in Heaven had in store for him. It was a good reminder of how precious life is. You never know what is in store for us and what Heavenly Father's plan is but that we have His Son to get us through it. I know that my Savior lives and truly felt all our pains so he could help us, especially in times of need. I am so grateful for the knowledge I have of my purpose here and what will come in the next life. I know God loves me and each of you. Hope you all have a blessed week and reflect on what your purpose is in this life. 

With love,
Sister Johnson

Sister Johnson
195 Memorial Dr Apt B 21
Sturgis, MI 49091

5 lakes! aka best hot cocoa!
omena lake!
in the morning, i'm makin...
matching mugs :')

Monday, February 17, 2020

nine months!!

February 17, 2020

hey hey friends and fam!

we had a great week and it’s been a busy day so i’ll give y’all a brief update :)

• we had a super cool lesson with a 10 year old boy we found a few weeks ago! his mom isn’t very interested in the church but really wants it for her son. he is the sweetest and smartest kid! he knows so much about the bible and already loves the Book of Mormon! we are so excited for him.

• we also got to meet with Pat again and she is awesome! she is slowly but surely making progress! 

• we went to meijer and the sushi guy gave us free sushi as a present! he was referred to us by a member, but he lives in battle creek so we are excited for him!

presents from our sushi friend
• i hit 9 months in the mission this past week which blows my mind! sometimes i feel like i just got here, but i am so grateful for how much i have learned and changed! i know this gospel is true and i have seen such a change within others as they accept and live it and especially a change within myself! the church is true!

9 months!!
sister johnson
Sister Johnson
195 Memorial Dr Apt B 21
Sturgis, MI 49091

He really does
klinger lake
v-day packages :)

Monday, February 10, 2020

6 more in Sturgis!

February 10, 2020

Hey friends and fam!

It is transfer week and they switched it around, so no more Tuesday Pday.

Baja Freeze
Big news! Me and Sister Neuenswander are staying and I'm so glad. She is such a party. The ward is joking that they should request my records so I can stay in the ward forever! Here are some highlights from the week:

• our friend Pam came to church! It was a huge surprise since we thought she had dropped us. It was her first time and she loved it! She hopes to even do family history this week, so we will have to see about that haha

• Sue went to the temple!! Sadly there is no temple within our mission boundaries so as missionaries, we are not allowed to go but they went to the Chicago temple and loved it!! Sue kept talking about how much peace she felt there and how she needs to get back there soon. 

• Robert hasn't made any progress and it sounds like he's going to drop us this week which is really sad but probably for the best. He needs more time and we have to find people who are ready to receive the gospel now.

• we met with Pat this week and had a really good discussion on God's plan for us and how that only includes one earth life. She has so many really right ideas, we are just trying to help her find truth. 

• it has been snowing a great deal here but keeps warming up and melting. It has been a very "warm" winter for Michigan, and I think it was like this for me haha. I am indeed grateful.

• Sue is so cute and takes us out to eat every Friday to DaVinci's so we had to get a pic :)


This week I was reading at the end of 3 Nephi, chapter 30. This chapter is just two verses and Mormon records the Savior's final plea to his people. To paraphrase he says, "Hearken and hear the words of Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God. Turn from your wicked ways, repent, and come unto me." How significant, his final plea was for us to come unto him and turn from our selfish ways. I sometimes feel that it is so easy to slip away from the important things, especially as a missionary. I am truly grateful for the gift of my Savior, Jesus Christ. To know that he bore my sins, and I can change. It is never easy, but there is so much peace through his atonement.

Have the best week my friends
Sister Johnson

Sister Johnson
195 Memorial Dr Apt B 21
Sturgis, MI 49091

Monday, February 3, 2020

Let other people repent!

February 3, 2020

Hey friends!

This week was busy as usual but all good stuff :) we spent a few days outside our area which is always tough to make sure everyone we are teaching are taken care of and all. We did have some awesome meetings this week that I'll tell y'all all about here:

• first off. Our best friend Sue is SO good. She is just glowing since her baptism and everyone has been asking what is different about her. Apparently one family member thought she must be on some new medication but, nope! It is her living the gospel and receiving those saving ordinances. She got her temple recommend yesterday and is going this Saturday! We are SO excited for her. We had the best lesson with her this past week about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Yes, we had discussed it before, and it wasn't anything she was not already familiar with. But the spirit was so strong as she testified to us about how this has impacted her life. The church is true!

• we had exchanges this week in Kalamazoo on the Western Michigan University campus which is always a good time. I got to go with Sister Udall, and we had a fun time. She taught me so much and helped me recognize a lot of things I can improve on! I was happy to get my comp Sister Newey back by the end of the day though.

Sister Udall
• we had zone conference this week and it was so good. I know every missionary always goes off about zone conference, but I really loved all that we were taught. Many of the trainings and talks reminded me of a saying that has been going through my head the past few weeks, "there is no growth in the comfort zone and no comfort in the growth zone." Our mission president also shared a lot about the first vision, and it was just an added testimony of the truths I feel so strongly about. bonus- we got cfa after. It was a good day.

my mom!!! loml

also my fav

• pat is moving along slowly but surely! She has been reading the Book of Mormon and watching the videos about them. We just need her to come to church! 

• not much new on Robert, he's still reading and coming to church, but not progressing. Keep praying for a miracle, friends!

One training from zone conference that really hit home was by Elder Fielding. His talk was all about the gift of repentance. As mission, we should be the best repenters as we invite others to do so. He explained how a miraculous change through repentance is a rare occurrence. Repentance is not an event, it is a process. He also mentioned how we need to let others feel the blessings and power of the atonement by allowing other to repent. Holding grudges is such an easy thing to do, but Christ's suffering was not meant for us to keep others from that peace. It is something I have been working hard at, and it isn't easy but I invite you all to forgive others and let them use the Atonement! 

have the best week! Jesus loves you!
sister johnson

Sister Johnson
195 Memorial Dr Apt B 21
Sturgis, MI 49091

sister newey's first sushi
what it dooo