Monday, March 30, 2020

lit here in lansing

March 30, 2020

hey fam!

we had a cool week here! transfers were a little crazy and it was definitely sad to leave Sturgis, but i know this is where the Lord needs me to be! 
here’s some of the highlights from the week:

~ so funny thing, we were told that transfers were supposed to happen within a few days, but we didn't know what day so just to be prepared. the day after we got the call, me and sister neuenswander were in comp study and were jokingly saying, "what if they just told us we had to go right now?" then sad day, i checked my phone not even a few minutes later, we realized i had to pack up and leave! because of the government’s orders, we could not do large gatherings, so everyone with a transfer drove to the stake center and companions switched one at a time from our cars.

me and sister newey on our last day :'( but blessed because chick fil a
~ also so proud of my awesome companion, sister neuenswander, who is half training a new missionary and she is a boss. rant over. i just love her.

~ my new companion is seriously so fun! her name is sister nielsen and we are sister training leaders. we are both new to the area so we are trying to meet the ward virtually as well as all those who were being taught in the two areas we took over! it is really a learning curve, but it has been a blessing to have tons of fun with her!

we went for a walk!
~ we had a ton of miracles as we have been working from our apartment! we had really awesome lessons with some people we are teaching and the ward is very supportive. we also keep finding as we put aside all distractions, there are immediate blessings! we found multiple people this week by following the spirit, and i know the lord is so involved in the work that we do.

~ we had the coolest opportunity to teach sister nielsen’s best friend from home who is interested in the restored gospel! we had a wonderful discussion about the restoration and she shared how, "that just makes sense!" i seriously love sharing the gospel, and i know that i am here for a reason!

us with sister nielsen’s friend megan who we were able to teach through skype!

This week I have really been focusing on why Heavenly Father has allowed for so much commotion and fear to be on the earth. It was very eye opening as I studied Joseph Smith's first vision. As he prayed to find the truth, he felt a power that was unlike anything before. It was enough that he felt as though he should abandon himself to destruction. Yet, he did not give up and had the hope that he would find an answer. Just at his moment of great alarm, he saw a pillar of light—exactly over his head, above the brightness of the sun which descended gradually until it fell upon him. When the light rested upon him, he saw two personages, whose brightness and glory defy all description standing above him in the air. One of them spake unto him, calling him by name, and said pointing to the other, "This is My Beloved Son, Hear Him!" The light was not immediate, in fact, he felt shear darkness. Yet, he didn't give up and was able to have one of the most sacred experiences of these latter-days. At this time, there is a lot of fear, confusion, and darkness. This teaches us that there is so much light around the corner. We CANNOT give up, we CANNOT lose hope. Heavenly Father is so aware of the situation and is preparing us for something amazing. I know this church is true and we are led by prophets who are called of God. The Savior is the head of this church, and I cannot imagine my life without the peace this gospel brings. 

Everyone, if you are able, please come hear a prophet speak. He has been called of God and has revelation for us in this time. I know it will bring peace and comfort to EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU. Here is the link:

with love,
sister johnson

Sister Johnson
500 W Lake Lansing Rd Apt B 16
East Lansing, MI 48823-1479

i figured you each could be blessed by seeing a picture of my dog
our new friend Jerry, who ate a cracker out of my hand

Monday, March 23, 2020

isolation ain't so bad

March 23, 2020

Update:  sad news everyone! i am leaving sturgis and going to lansing! i don't know when i am going but will update y’all next pday!

good afternoon friends and family!

all is well here in good ole sturgis. this week is transfer week and we still have not been told what is happening with us but i may be doing a 6th transfer here! we shall see, haha. lots has changed in the past week so i’ll do what i can do keep y’all informed. here’s the week:

• so! we had a usual monday night of working but woke up tuesday morning to the counsel that we need to self isolate and work from our apartment. it is definitely an adjustment and hard to stay inside for hours on end, but we are making it work and having a fun time! 

district p-day, hours before being told to self isolate
• truly been so blessed to have sister neuenswander to be stuck with. i love that gal and i’m prayin’ we stay together another 6 weeks haha. 

sorry we are makin sure yall stay updated with us each day of the week
• we have been doing a ton of member lessons over video calls which has been really cool! we have been discussing how we should be preparing for general conference and how important it is for us to have a testimony of Joseph Smith and the first vision.

• we had a cool lesson with pat over zoom and it was so sweet! she really is learning to love the gospel and recognize the spirit that it brings to her life.

• we have also been able to teach sue over the phone and it is so powerful to see the impact that scripture study has in day to day living. read your scriptures my friends!

• also so rude, it is almost april and it decided to snow last night. just thought i'd let you know how offended i am at the weather.

• we have many missionaries returning home this week because of the virus which has been so hard to see but i am so grateful to know that they are going to be healthy and safe at home! we had a mission-wide devotional zoom meeting where each of them were able to bear their testimonies and i am so grateful for the peace the gospel has brought to me! i know that this work is so important, and i want to do everything in my power to help others recognize and feel the peace it brings. 

Something that was mentioned by our Mission President was that we have been prepared to be here, "for such a time as this." The scripture Esther 4:14, says, "who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this?" It is so crazy to believe that we have been prepared and reserved to be here at this time to work. The Lord trusts us to work through this and bring as many as we can to the knowledge of the gospel. I am so lucky to have been blessed with the health and the mission that allows me to work and stay here. I know there is work for me to do and that I am where the Lord needs me to be. 

I love you all, and so happy to be serving the Lord,

Sister Johnson

Sister Johnson
195 Memorial Dr Apt B 21
Sturgis, MI 49091

mid-run selfie
we went for a walk in the woods and i did not bring a coat
me freezing

Monday, March 16, 2020


March 16, 2020

Hello friends!

It was a little hectic this week but we are here working hard! The Standard of Truth has been going through my mind and told to us and I feel it is important to share it! “The Standard of Truth has been erected; no unhallowed hand can stop the work from progressing; … the truth of God will go forth boldly, nobly, and independent, till it has penetrated every continent, visited every clime, swept every country, and sounded in every ear, till the purposes of God shall be accomplished, and the Great Jehovah shall say the work is done.” Nothing can keep this work from moving forward!

We also taught Pat the gospel of Jesus Christ this week and invited her to be baptized. She said she would pray about it and we are really looking forward to seeing how God will answer her prayer.

In our last ward council, we asked if there was anyone they believed was prepared to be taught and they told us to contact this inactive family in Three Rivers. After texting the mother to see if we could share a message with their family, she told us her son wanted to be baptized and would like to meet with us! We have to wait several weeks until they are in town to teach him but we are very excited.

• It was definitely a lot harder on campus with not very many people to talk with but it allowed us to make sure that we talked with everyone we could!

Sister Tullis and me on exchanges

• Our Zone Conference was cancelled on behalf of the guidance to not participate in large gatherings. Sad day! Thankfully, we were able to meet twice as a mission over zoom as we were edified together!

• We were advised to make a 14 day food storage so we took pics with it.

14 day supply of food

Sorry today has been super busy so this is all I got for ya. love ya and stay healthy,
Sister Johnson
Sister Johnson
195 Memorial Dr Apt B 21
Sturgis, MI 49091

Monday, March 9, 2020

be 100% responsible

March 9, 2020

what is good my friends?

We had a really fun and busy week :). sadly, this morning Sister Neuenswander chipped her tooth so we spent some time at the dentist today, so this will be quick! 

• we knocked a ton this week and met so many cool people! we are so excited to see what will come of all our new friends!

• we also we got to teach our new friend Jose this week and it was awesome! the spirit was very strong as we discussed the Atonement of Jesus Christ. 

• we made a vow of healthiness this week hahaha. that didn't last long when we caved and bought donuts, but we did better the rest of the week!

the donuts...
• pat is doing really good and we are hoping to put her on date soon! she told us that she knows the spirit is telling her to learn more and that this feels right. 

• sue will forever and always be my favorite person alive. she has been really sick and recovering from surgery, but is stronger than anyone I know! after church she shared some really profound insights and told us how she has had such a strong increase in her testimony through these health issues. I don't think I could ever leave Sturgis because of her.

• we helped out at this program called, "the Life of Jesus Christ." it was different but very powerful. they blindfold you and hand you things pertaining to Christ's life as they narrate the story. the spirit was strong and was an added testimony of His life, His death, and that He is risen.

This week I had a big focus on how I use my time. In a BYU devotional, Lynn G. Robbins teaches that we are to be 100% responsible for our lives. Several things stuck out to me in that talk. He said, "A determined man finds a way, the other finds an excuse." It is so easy to self justify and throw the blame onto other people. Even more awakening for me was when he said, "Excuses keep you from taking control of your life." Being a missionary, our time is truly precious, and we cannot waste a single minute. Too often, it becomes comfortable to do something that is good but does not completely fulfill my purpose as a missionary: to invite others to come unto Christ by helping them receive the restored gospel. Preach My Gospel even says that for those we teach, "their understanding will be influenced by your personal worthiness." If you are making excuses as to why you may not want to do something, think about how that is keeping you from having control in your life. One last quote from Elder Hekking, one of the assistants, “It is great that we have made the decision to sacrifice our time… but we need to also choose to sacrifice our will for God's.  We can promise that as we do so, we will be able to feel more joy than we could ever feel by fulfilling our own desires." 

read this talk and take control!

I love you all and hope you may each love God enough to obey Him and sacrifice your will to follow Him.
sister johnson

Sister Johnson
195 Memorial Dr Apt B 21
Sturgis, MI 49091

my two favorites
when the sky was cute


Monday, March 2, 2020

"sturgis is in deep deep deep deep ... snow"

March 2, 2020

hey friends!

this week was a slow one but that's alright! not much to report on, but i'll update ya:

• sad news about Terrence. he met with Bishop and he said it went well, but we haven't heard from him since. 

• it snowed a ton for three straight days, and we got stuck in it! super awkward, we were stopping by this guy and could not get out of his driveway so big oof. no worries, only took us a hot minute to get out haha. 

• we finally had a lesson with our new friend Diane! we picked her up on Sister Neuenswander's first day and finally got to teach her the restoration and that was really good! 

• sister newey loves frozen so during the big snow we were singing that "sturgis is in deep deep deep deep ... snow" all day. 

my bff
• we did a lot of knockin’ this week too, and sister n cracked me up. one lady yelled at us for knocking too late at night and she just responded, "well we are just TRYING to share a message about Christ." killed me. love that girl.

This week I have seen a lot through my studies how merciful the Lord is to us. Isaiah taught that on multiple occasions that, “His anger is not turned away, but His hand is stretched out still.” It was a good reminder to me about our agency. Agency is the gift we have been given to choose for ourselves. While we can make our choices, we don't pick our consequences. And with that, while we will always sin and fall short, Christ's hand is ALWAYS stretched out toward us. 3 Nephi 9:14 teaches that, "Yea, verily I say unto you, if ye will come unto me ye shall have eternal life. Behold, mine arm of mercy is extended towards you, and whosoever will come, him will I receive; and blessed are those who come unto me."

may we all come unto Christ and be perfected in Him

sister johnson

Sister Johnson
195 Memorial Dr Apt B 21
Sturgis, MI 49091

we went to the mexican grocery store and got some mango things
the classic pday sushi pics
here's our little guys both named tony- long story lol
our son