Thursday, May 30, 2019

t-minus 5 days - Provo MTC

May 30, 2019
Hey guys,

I can’t go into detail about this week but it has been so so good!! I know without a doubt that this is the true gospel and Jesus Christ love us!! Our TRC Jae did a 180 and it’s been amazing teaching him and seeing how much he wants to learn about the gospel!

Me and Sister Kenney

MTC District Provo Temple Trip

Sister Kenney and Kitty

Also so sad that I'll have to leave my district since we're all going to different missions but I can't wait to get to Michigan!

Drawing by Elder Rasmussen

See you all on the 10th!

Love you all,
~Sister Johnson

Thursday, May 23, 2019

The MTC gates are like an aquarium - - - - - - - - Provo MTC

May 23, 2019 
Hello friends!! 

It has been the most INSANE week but I have never felt closer to Jesus Christ and the spirit! Utah has been rainy and cold this past week and there is even snow on the mountains.  I has been so great here though! I love my teachers and my district! 

When we first arrived, we had class and we got to know our district. Our district is different than most, because almost everyone is going somewhere different! My companion, Sister Kenney is headed to Little Rock, Arkansas. Then we got to meet with the MTC presidency which was so awesome. After we had a workshop that was so powerful and amazing that focused on how we should be sharing the gospel. Thursday was so cool! We got to meet with the Branch Presidency and Sister Kenney and I got called to be STL's (sister training leaders)! 

My MTC District
By Friday, we got the hang of everything. We even got to teach a girl named Jessica which was so exciting and fun! Saturday we got our first TRC! TRC means training resource center so they are hired actors to be investigators for us to teach. We met with Ines and planned to meet with her Monday. Sunday was so busy with lots of meetings and lessons. Sacrament was with our zone and that was so powerful and amazing. We also had a devotional that was awesome! 

Monday we got to meet with Ines and taught her about prayer and faith. She was so interested and wants to grow her faith in God and Christ! Then on Tuesday we met with Jae and he was not as open to our message but it was a great learning experience for us! Then we had another devotional which was from Elder Hamilton and his wife about being "All in" and I can definitively say that I am all in. Sister Hamilton also talked about channeling our fears into excitement and it was so powerful! 

Then yesterday our district got to host the new missionaries! It was a ton of fun and later that night Sister Kenney and I got to welcome them. We also got to meet with Ines again which was amazing! She has been praying to God and really is seeking that relationship with Heavenly Father and we cannot wait to teach her again this Friday! Then today we got to go to the temple which was so amazing! I love this gospel!!

Highlights throughout the week :
·         One of the sisters in our zone prayed to Buddha in her TRC 
·         Elder Buttcane used the analogy that MTC is an aquarium and we are all swimming in the spirit because it is all around us
·         Sister Sink and I CONSTANTLY quote Nacho Libre and it is a good time 
·         Sister Sypher and I got caught doing backbends in the bathroom

Literally everything is hilarious though I love it here and I love my district!!!
Love you all
~Sister Johnson